Every Bethesda and id game is on sale on Steam right now


Skyrim, Fallout, Quake, and so much more

[Update: I somehow missed this earlier, but ALL the games on sale here can be yours for $89.99 in the QuakeCon pack. That’s 44 games, folks!]

QuakeCon is happening down in Texas this week! For those of you that can’t make it, well, you’re in for a treat as pretty much every single Bethesda and iD game available on Steam is all on sale right now. Seriously, go look!

The Quake collection can be yours for $7.49, and that includes eight Quake titles or packs. The Doom collection has four of the classic titles for $3.74, while Doom 3: BFG Edition is just $4.99. The Fallout classic collection has three of the original games for $19.99.

There’s so much more that you need to see to believe. Brink, Hexen, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, Rage, and more, more, more.