Lots of next-gen games are playable at Comic-Con


PS4 and Xbox One ready for play

We’ve just finished fighting the crowds of San Diego Comic-Con’s preview night to get a lay of the land for this long weekend we have coming up. We noticed that the convention has decided to move the videogame booths to the opposite side of the hall from the movie and television booths, spreading out the foot traffic a bit. Nice move, Comic-Con.

We also noticed that there are lots of first-time opportunities for the public to play next-gen games here at SDCC 2013. If you’re planning on coming to the event this weekend, here’s what you can expect.

Sony has the PS4 behind glass for the public to check out, and they’ve brought a few next-gen games to go with it. PlatformerKnack and racing title Driveclub are open for play, giving attendees their first taste of PS4’s power. Octadad is already drawing nice crowds tonight. And though it’s not next-gen, they have some slick Gran Turismo 6 setups on the floor to try out.

Microsoft has a large presence opposite Sony’s booth. Ryse: Son of Rome and Killer Instinct already have lines forming in front of them. And I hear that at the Grand Hyatt other games will be available, like Dead Rising 3.

Ubisoft has a huge ship at dock right outside the convention center. On this Jackdaw you’ll be able to try out Assassin’s Creed 4 —we plan to set sail this weekend, so stay tuned for that. Landlubbers will get to see Watch Dogs back inside.