Nintendo Download: Shin Megami Tensei IV


Also, Metroid and Mario 2

The time has finally come for Shin Megami Tensei IV to grace the 3DS, and you’ll be able to download it on July 16th. As a reminder, if you buy both SMT IV and Fire Emblem: Awakening you’ll net $30 in eShop credit. In other 3DS-related news, Super Mario Bros. 2 is available, and Turbo: Super Stunt Squad is launching on the 16th as well.

The Wii U is getting a few things this week in the form of Metroid, Star Wars Pinball, and Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (once again). While Metroid is a classic for sure, I’d highly recommend playing Metroid: Zero Mission over the original, as it’s basically better in every way and includes the fully-fledged NES game as an unlockable.

Finally, Nintendo will launch their last Wii U Virtual Console promotion on July 15th, when Donkey Kong will be available for 30 cents until August 13th.

If you missed last week’s installment,here it is.

As for what I’m getting, I’ve already finishedShin Megami Tensei IV, and it’s fantastic. Stay tuned on launch day for a quick tips guide.