The Last of Us clears 3.4 million sales worldwide


Sony seems pleased with the outcome

The Last of Us has sold over 3.4 million copies worldwide, becoming the fastest selling new title in the PS3’s lifespan. Not bad for a console-exclusive fresh IP released at the tale-end of a generation. And a horror game, too!

It’s almost like the focus-tested opinions of major publishers are total bollocksor something.

In any case, Sony seems quite pleased by the figure, which includes both Blu-ray and digitally downloaded versions. Worldwide Studios bossShuhei Yoshida called the sales figures an “undisputed demonstration” of Naughty Dog’s talent.

The game was critically acclaimed before launch, and now has retail success to go along with it. Frankly, I think it’s all well deserved. Congrats to the team!

The Last of Us Sales Exceed 3.4 Million Units Worldwide [NeoGAF]