Ubisoft planning for ten years of Watch Dogs


More on the way … probably

Watch Dogs looks dreamy, doesn’t it? Ubisoft certainly thinks so, which is why the company is betting big on their new IP, going so far in as to plan out ten years of the series’ future.

In an interview with the Guardian, the comparison between Watch Dogs‘ future and Bungie’s ten year plan for Destiny was made, to which Senior Producer Dominic Guay responded, “Honestly that’s what we’re doing too. Here’s the way we think about it: even if we change our minds mid-course or after shipping Watch Dogs and say ‘scratch that, we’ll do something else’, the planning helps to make a strong core … If there’s a clear long-term plan, you’ll have stronger characters, the universe will be more coherent.”

So while a plan is in motion, it’s nothing that would shackle Ubisoft to the franchise (such as bad sales) should they choose to put it on the back burner. Given Ubisoft’s recent commitment to annual franchises though, I think we can expect much more Watch Dogs to come.

Watch Dogs – and how Ubisoft is planning the next decade of game design [The Guardian via NeoGAF]