The folks behind Outcast are reviving the franchise


This is a Kickstarter waiting to happen

A short, unassuming notice was sent out today declaring the return of Appeal’s beloved 1999 action-adventure game Outcast. Wait, what? It’s really happening: studio founders Yann Robert, Franck Sauer, and Yves Grolet have wrapped up an agreement with Atari Europe SAS to acquire the Outcast intellectual property. The trio is said to “have started the revival of the franchise and will soon announce further developments.”

The open-world PC title was in many ways ahead of its time, and with the current landscape of PC gaming, it seems like a strangely perfect time for Outcast to make a comeback. The graphical advancements alone will make this a worthwhile endeavor, I’m sure. In the mean time, the original game is playable on modern hardware for a mere three bucks from