Microsoft boss Don Mattrick leaving to head up Zynga



[Update: It’s official. Zynga has confirmed that Mattrick will join the company as CEO and member of the board of directors on July 8, 2013. “I joined Zynga because I believe that [founder Mark Pincus’] pioneeringvision and mission to connect the world through games is just gettingstarted,” he said. “Zynga is a great business that has yet to realize its fullpotential.”]

AllThingsD has a source that is saying that Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Business president Don Mattrick will be leaving Microsoft. These same people say he is taking a top job at Zynga — possibly a CEO position. An announcement could be made as soon as today, after markets close.

Losing Mattrick would be a punch in the gut for Microsoft and its Xbox division. It would also be a huge win for Zynga — a win the online gaming company could definitely use. AllThingsD guesses he would be put at the top for a turnaround for the company.

Microsoft does not need this following this year’s rough announcement of the Xbox One.

This comes to mind.