Double Fine's Massive Chalice is officially funded


Over 31,000 backers pledged money for the project

Late last month, Double Fine announced its second Kickstarter campaign, with the idea for a tactical combat game spanning multiple generations called Massive Chalice. Just five days into the campaign, backers had pledged enough money to surpass its $725,000 goal. The Kickstarter run is now officially over, with a final pledge total of $1,229,015.

The Massive Chalice Kickstarter wasn’t as successful as Double Fine’s previous campaign for its adventure game now known as Broken Age, which broke records and ended with over $3.3M in backer funding. Double Fine received some criticism from fans for running its Massive Chalice Kickstarter before having delivered Broken Age to backers, but despite that, the studio was still able to easily reach its goal. Now we all have two big Double Fine games to look forward to.