PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD announced for Vita


Well, that’s my day made

This is the exact news I was hoping I’d get to cover following word of Q Games’ collaboration with Double Eleven. The latter studio is indeed porting a beloved PixelJunktitle to PlayStation Vita. PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD will bring updated visuals, optional touch-screen controls, and all of the content found in the Encore expansion and Deluxe edition of Monsters.

Double Eleven COO Mark South says there were discussions about lowering the difficulty with checkpoints and the like — this is a rather challenging tower defense title, if you haven’t played — but they decided against it in the end. Sweet, sweet satisfaction will be upheld.

And for the one guy who thinks Monsters wasn’t hard: “We also designed the Trophies to be an extra treat for those wanting even more challenge: Our best in-house players have taken three days solid to complete the game on the hardcore setting!”