Fall Guys promises to start banning cheaters in between rounds


May the best bean win

It has bean three weeks since Fall Guyslaunched and the frustration over cheaters is as persistent as ever. Sometimes there will be 60 clumsy dudes tripping over one another. Sometimes one or two of them will leap through the air like they’re playing Crackdown.

“Crackdown” is an appropriate term because developer Mediatonic plans to really crack down on cheaters very soon. Right now, an auto-detection system is said to drop the hammer after an episode is finished and the offender (likely) wins the game. In an upcoming update, Mediatonic’s anti-cheat software will boot players before the game is over.

Dealing with cheaters is a top priority for us

At the moment, when a cheater is detected, they are able to finish the current show before being blocked

We are going to start taking more immediate action soon

As mentioned before: It isn’t necessary to manually report cheaters

— Fall Guys 👑 (@FallGuysGame) August 24, 2020

Things will get better soon. Then you’ll have no more excuses for your inevitable failure. That’s okay! The head is heavy that wears the crown.