A PS3 and Xbox 360 bundle listing emerges
If you’ve been itching to get into the Lords of Shadow sub-franchise but haven’t done so yet, you may get a chance to try everything at once if this PS3 and Xbox 360 listing is to be believed. Apparently, All Games Beta has uncovered a listing over at Play-Asia.com, which includes the original Lords of Shadow, its two DLC packs, a Lords of Shadow 2 demo, and the most surprising inclusion of all — an HD version of the 3DS exclusive Mirror of Fate.
Provided that you’ve been following the development of the Lords of Shadow games, this should come as no surprise — an HD version of Mirror of Fate has actually been discussed in the open already. Although Tony didn’t much care for Mirror of Fate, I actually found it to be a decent, yet flawed 2D re-imagining of God of War — provided this HD re-release is real, and fairly priced, it could be a great way to experience it on the cheap.
Castlevania [Play-Asia.com via AGB]