Check out this plot-heavy Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni trailer


Probably not safe for work, definitely not safe for Australia

It’s not long now until Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni, the new weaponised lesbian-themed brawler by Senran KaguracreatorKenichiro Takaki, is released in Europe and America. As such, the game’s western publisher, PQube Games, have finally released an English trailer for it.

The trailer, which you can view below, mostly emphasises Valkyrie Drive’shack-and-slash gameplay and fanservice. Say what you will about it, at least it’s clear that PQube Games knows precisely what fans of the game are after.

Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuniis set for release on September 30 in Europe and October 11 in the U.S. for the PlayStation Vita. If you live in a country that believes the game may “…offend against the standards of morality,” expect it to already be on the list of prohibited imports.