The Initiative is teaming up with Crystal Dynamics for its Perfect Dark reboot


Early in development

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything of the new Perfect Dark title in the works over at Xbox, but last night, we got a little more insight into the game’s development. Namely, which studios are actually working on it. Originally, the new Perfect Dark was revealed to be the work of The Initiative, but now another name has been thrown into the mix: Crystal Dynamics.

Perfect Dark update! We are partnering with Crystal Dynamics, the world class team behind character-driven games such as Tomb Raider, to bring this first-person spy thriller to a new generation.

— TheInitiative (@TheInitiative) September 24, 2021

If you don’t remember what The Initiative is, I don’t blame you. It was announced back in 2018, during a time when the Xbox brand was buying up developers left and right. One of the leads at the studio is Darrell Gallagher, who used to work over at Crystal Dynamics. So this collaboration makes a lot of sense. That studio is of course world-renowned for its back catalog of hit titles that includes GexLegacy of Kain, the Tomb Raider reboot, and some Marvel game.

As for when we might be able to play the new Perfect Dark, The Initiative notes the game is still “early in development.” I think that’s a trend for a lot of the upcoming Xbox games that have been announced over the past year or so. I mean, I assume we’ll be able to play this right around the time games like Fable and Avowed hit Xbox Game Pass.