Savings that will have you over the moon
As we inch toward the end of the year, retailers keep doing all they can to turn their existing inventory into profit. Destinyis the beneficiary of the holiday sales creep today, as the legendary edition of the game is on sale for half the normal asking price.
Until the end of today, Amazon has Destiny: The Taken King – Legendary Editionmarked at $29.99 on PS4 and Xbox One. That version of the game comes with the base Destinyexperience,The Taken King, The Dark Below, and House of Wolves. For comparison’s sake, The Taken Kingalone retails at $40.
Exactly one year ago today, this sale wouldn’t have been much to write home about. Now, it’s a fantastic deal. That’s not only because it contains more content. In the past year, Destinyhas somehow transformed from a mediocre game to a fantastic one in the public consciousness. It’s a weird and unlikely transformation, but good on Bungie for turning the ship around without the need to release a sequel.
Destiny: The Taken King – Legendary Edition[Amazon]