Do you still play Zelda: Breath of the Wild?


I’m a monthly man

Playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild in a vacuum was fantastic.

I had nearly two weeks to mess around in this vast open world and shut myself off from any potential peer conversations until I was finished with it. Waiting to hear how people would react to the durability system and specific shrine puzzles was tough, but once all of those conversations started flowing, they never really stopped for over two years.Breath of the Wild was released in March of 2017, and it simultaneously feels like it’s always been here, and it just came out. It has dominated the open world conversation in various communities and the industry at large, as myriad developers have expressed their admiration for it, among droves of fans.

Even if you can’t stand it, it’s easy to see why it’s so enigmatic. Intrepid explorers are still finding new strategies, potential Easter eggs, and puzzle solutions, and the modding community is absolutely thriving. That got me thinking: do you all still play Breath of the Wild? Or do you live vicariously through videos?

I’m still picking it up at least once a month. The portability is a huge factor (I can just slide the Switch off the dock and play for a bit), as is the nature of covering all of those oddities online. Every time I see something unique I get the urge to jump back in and try it myself. That’s not a normal experience though, so tell us how you feel.

Do you still play Breath of the Wild, over two years after its launch?