Father of videogames Ralph Baer passes away at 92


One of gaming’s greatest minds

Ralph Baer was an electronics and engineering pioneer, known as the “father of videogames.” Baer designed the Magnavox Odyssey, starting work on the machine in the late 1960s before releasing it in 1972, when it became the world’s first commercial home console.

This footage of Baer playingThe Brown Box(a prototype of the Odyssey) dates all the way back to 1969. Throughout his life, Baer stayed active in the electronics and gaming communities to which he helped give birth.

He received theNational Medal of Technology from President George W. Bush in 2006. I’m sure that Mr. Baer would be happy to know that he’s affected millions upon millions of people. Not bad for a life’s work.

This post has been updated to correct factual errors.