Freedom Planet on Wii U delayed indefinitely


‘We’re coming to Wii U no matter what’

Every few weeks or so I think to myself, “is Freedom Planetcoming out on Wii U yet?” We missed the review of the original, so I wanted to cover the console edition whenever it hit, and I’m getting pretty anxious. Sadly, it’s been delayed for weeks on end, and now, it doesn’t have a clear date in sight.

According to Galaxy Trail developer Stephen DiDuro, the issue lies with a series of console-freezing bugs that just couldn’t get fixed in time. The “launch” has been canceled, but DiDuro notes that this isn’t a full cancellation — the title is “coming to Wii U no matter what.”

Hopefully the team can figure things out sooner than later — this game looks like a perfect fit for the console.

Wii U Launch Cancelled for Now [Galaxy Trail]