Go ahead and 3D print these Evolve figures, you early adopter


This is some pretty niche marketing

I have no idea what people with 3D printers do. Do they ever print more 3D printers? I’d probably print statues of myself because I’m extremely vain like that. I’d give one to all my neighbors, because I assume that they all love me as much as I do.

If you’re a bit more modest and own one of these contraptions, Turtle Rock Studios has released some files to print figures from the upcoming Evolve. So, that’s one thing you could do while waiting for the game to come out — print a bunch of these and have your own four versus one battles. Or, and hear me out here, four of your G.I. Joes pitted against a Godzilla would achieve the same effect.

Print 3D Models of Evolve’s Hunters, Monsters [Evolve]