Harebrained Schemes' new adventure has shark men


Swing by Necropolis at PAX East

“A third-person action game with shark men? Okay, I’ll let them know.”

I ever so foolishly forgot that Shadowrun Returns maker Harebrained Schemes has Necropolis, “a game of brutal combat and survival,” in its pipeline. The latest gifs ‘n’ pics are fabulous.

Promises of an “ever-changing dungeon” don’t do much for me these days, but Necropolis‘ low-poly art and “combat system based on timing and animation” have me on board like whoa.

There’s also an interesting backstory brewing here — the Necropolis calls to adventurers in hopes that it can feed off their energy — but I’ll leave you to Rob’s prior in-depth coverage of the setting. Harebrained Schemes is bringing Necropolis to PAX East next weekend. Booth #10187. Enjoy.