Here's your PS4 launch lineup! What're you buying?


Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger

In Sony’s massive, malleable PS4 FAQ there is a list of the games that will be available to North American players on the November 15 launch date. This is that list.

I think my favorite part is that the two games I want most on the list, Resogun and Contrast, are free with PlayStation Plus. And I don’t mind putting down some coin for the gussied up Flower, which I haven’t played yet. Too bad The Witness isn’t coming until early 2014. It’s likely to be my favorite PS4 game for a while.

What’re you buying?

First party

FlowerKillzone Shadow FallKnackResogun (Free with PlayStation Plus)Sound Shapes

Third party

Angry Birds Star Wars (Activision)Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Ubisoft)Battlefield 4 (Electronic Arts)Call of Duty: Ghosts (Activision)DC Universe Online (Sony Online Entertainment)FIFA 14 (EA Sports)Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (Warner Bros. Interactive)Just Dance 2014 (Ubisoft)Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Warner Bros. Interactive)Madden NFL 25 (Electronic Arts) NBA 2k14 (2K Sports)Skylanders: Swap Force (Activision)


Contrast (Compulsion Games) (Free with PlayStation Plus)Pinball Arcade (FarSight Studios)Super Motherload (XGen Studios)Tiny Brains (Spearhead Games)Warframe (Digital Extremes)