Humble Namco Bundle has Dark Souls, Enslaved


Good gift-giving potential

Humble Bundle and Bandai Namco have partnered for a sale on some older games that are still well worth playing. If nothing else, I’d say this is a great way to give the gift of Pac-Man CE.

  • Name your price: Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ All You Can Eat Edition Bundle, Platformines, and DeadCore
  • Pay more than the average: Ridge Racer Unbounded Bundle, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition, Ace Combat Assault Horizon – Enhanced Edition, and “more games coming soon”
  • Pay $10 or more: Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

I was unfamiliar with DeadCore (it’s a fast-paced first-person platformer about scaling a tower). Think I’ll wait on the mid-sale additions (August 11) before deciding to buy or skip this bundle.