King of Fighters XIII seems to be coming to Steam


King of biters

Fighting games showing the PC some love seems to be all the rage these days. Mortal Kombat 9 made its way over to Steam this year following a Vita port last year. Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition eventually graced PCs. Divekick is releasing on PC, PS3, and PS Vita simultaneously. Now it seems the gorgeous King of Fighters XIII will follow suit and make its way to Steam.

CVG caught a now defunct trailer, “which features gameplay footage as well as a logo containing the text ‘The King of Fighters XIII Steam Edition’.” Despite no official announcement, it seems PC-only players will soon be able to experience the beautiful, 2D fighter for themselves.

I only ended up playing King of Fighters XIII because it was free on PlayStation Plus, but I was totally absorbed by it for a while. I am terrible at fighting games, but perpetually drawn in by the sprite work and animation. The only reason I want to be good at them is to watch them in expert motion. KoF XIII is at times as gorgeous as Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. That Q animation. Do you think the relatively niche fighter can gain some ground on Steam, away from the traditional fighting game scene?

King of Fighters XIII may be headed to PC, according to a trailer found on Steam [CVG]