Knock-knock sounds like an amazing remake of Home Alone


I played that game more than I care to admit

One of my favorite games growing up was Home Alone for the NES. It featured one simple concept — all you had to do was run around a house that was only a few screens long, and elude the enemy Harry and Marv NPCs until the cops arrived. It was one of the first logic/strategy games I ever played, and I’ve retained a pretty vivid memory of it to this day.

Enter Knock-knock, a game that has already exceeded its goal in Kickstarter, and seeks to re-create the concept of hiding in your own house for a limited amount of time, but this time it’s a little more dire. As a hermit, you have to survive until dawn as various ghosts seek to end your life by both avoiding them, and repairing your house so more can’t enter. I have no idea if the game will end up being worth your time in the end, but right now I’m intrigued with the concept.

Knock-knock [Kickstarter]