Limited Okami art prints are nice, expensive


And some other videogame art prints for hundreds of dollars

It feels weird to get nostalgic for the PS2, but thinking about Clover will do that (also, make me want to stop working and play God Hand). We were blessed with some good stuff circa 2006. And Italy won the World Cup.

If you’re also stuck in eight years ago, you probably don’t know what vuvuzelas are yet and you might also want these new Okamiprints. The catch is that they come from a hoity-toity art print studio in the Netherlands (damn socialism) so they’re a bit pricey.

The site has a lot of quality game art prints for sale. Some cost hundreds of dollars, but would look better on your wall than that tacky poster you tore out of a Nintendo Power 14 years ago.

An alternative for Okamifans is the Udon Okamiartbook.