Live show: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes


The quest for tiny Rhino, round two

[Mash Tacticsairs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific onDtoid.TV. Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

So, last week I got into a bit of LEGO Marvel Superheroes on Mash Tactics, and I was on a mission to unlock one of my all-time favorite villains, Rhino, before the show was over. However, if you didn’t guess by the subtitle of today’s post, that mission failed.

LEGO games are always something I have an insane amount of fun with, so hopping into the boots of my favorite superheroes and villains in another attempt to add Rhino to the roster this evening will be nothing but a pleasure for me. I’m really hopeful that it will happen tonight, as I seriously can’t wait to check out this tiny terror, and go on a rage-fueled, block-breaking rampage.

QotD: What movie or game franchises would you like to see made into LEGO games?

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