Media Molecule is going to Twitch stream Dreams every week


Starting tomorrow

When Media Molecule revealed its “next-gen creation suite” Dreams at E3, I really didn’t get it. Okay, I make stuff. How do I make things? What’s the creation suite like? How much flexibility do I have? What do I actually do within the game? So many unanswered questions.

Thankfully, it seems like those questions won’t be going unanswered for too much longer. Starting tomorrow, Media Molecule is planning to stream Dreams on Twitch once per week.

Join us on Twitch this Friday at 3.30pm GMT for our 1st weekly #DreamsPS4 live stream! Can’t wait to show you more!

— Media Molecule (@mediamolecule) September 30, 2015

Tomorrow’s stream will begin at 3:30pm GMT, with each week’s stream presumably taking place on the same day of the week and at the same time.

So, will you be joining me in watching these streams to find out what Dreams is actually like to play?