Microsoft: Killer Instinct 'world's most generous demo'


Demo-lition, man

Demolicious. That’s what Microsoft thinks of Xbox One exclusive Killer Instinct. It recently released its pricing scheme for the fighter. You can download the game for free with one playable fighter and there are various amounts you can pay to unlock more content. You can drop $5 per fighter, get all six of the first wave plus early access to the first two DLC characters for $20, or pay $40 for the Ultra Edition.

Microsoft calls this “the world’s most generous demo,” but it is not free to play in the sense the term has taken on. Speaking to Eurogamer, creative director of first party published Xbox One games Ken Lobb said, “I just want to get as many people playing as I can.”

The free part is, day one, you can download Jago for free and you get the whole game with Jago. The story mode comes later, but you get his full tutorial, full practice mode and you can go online and play against everybody. So you have the full game with just Jago.

A few months after launch, Microsoft will also switch Jago out as the free character, League of Legends style, allowing skinflints to potentially have a go at every character. At its most expensive, it seems Killer Instinct‘s first “season” (eight characters) will run you $40, while $20 still gets you all the characters. You can also play the game fairly extensively for free. It might go against your initial Killer Instincts, but when you think about it, it’s not a bad model, right?

Microsoft: Killer Instinct “the world’s most generous demo” [Eurogamer]