Nice: Catacomb Kids will be funded on Kickstarter


How to boil water with a boulder

The Kickstarter for Catacomb Kids will be funded when the campaign closes in approximately a day’s time. Designer FourbitFriday has release a couple of video demonstrations since we last checked in with this roguelike platformer, the newest of which can be seen above.

The attention to detail is impressive. As shown in the walkthrough, you can light up a boulder with fire magic and push it into water to cause it to boil, cooking dangerous fish alive and making an otherwise poisonous mushroom edible. Some rather neat systems to tinker around with.

Then we get to an earlier video, embedded below, that shows the almost laughable versatility of a small rock. Crazy. It’s not too late to contribute to the crowdfunding drive if you like what you see here. I certainly do.