Nintendo Download: Mr. Driller 2


Also, Strike Force Foxx

The Wii U is taking a week off it seems, as there are only a one game on the menu for today —Mr. Driller 2— a GameBoy Advance Virtual Console title.Little Infernois discounted by 50% until July 24th.

On the 3DS side we have Strike Force Foxx, and Comic Workshop. escapeVektorand Snow Moto Racing 3Dare discounted.SteamWorld Digis on sale until July 31st.

Don’t all get up to update your Nintendo systems at once!

If you missed last week’s installment,here it is.

As for what I’m getting, I think I’m skipping a week for once. I love Mr. Driller, but I get my fix from Mr. Driller Onlinefor XBLA.