Not going to PAX South? Here's the next best thing


Twitch has your back

San Antonio, Texas will be the epicenter of the gaming world this weekend as thousands descend upon the city for the first incarnation of PAX South. No one really knows how it’ll go. Maybe it’ll mark the beginning of the third major PAX in North America; maybe it’ll be a complete bust.

If you’re making the trip, you’ll get to find out first-hand how everything turns out. If not, you can live vicariously through Internet videos. Twitch will be on-site and streaming live from the show floor. From the streaming giant’s booth, there’ll be live interviews with developers and publishers, and probably some game playin’. Twitch is also broadcasting its town hall panel on Friday at 2pm PST.

As extra incentive to watch, Twitch is giving out Blizzard content along the way. Hearthstonecard pack keys and Heroes of the Stormbeta codes will be up for grabs throughout the weekend. And, if you’re lucky enough to be at the show, maybe you’d be interested in swinging by the Twitch party on Friday night (registration for that event is here.)