Our last Daily Spelunk


One final Daily Spelunky Challenge!

Over the weekend, we posted the final episode of The Daily Spelunk, and you can view it here if you like. It’s a delightful romp and a hefty send-off to one of my favorite projects we’ve done on the site.

As you may have noticed in this episode and the prior one, we’ve been using some custom sprites of Jordan and myself in the show. If you would like to use these sprites yourself for some inexplicable reason, I’m making them available here. To use them, you’ll need a program called SpelunkTool to extract the game’s textures, replace the sprite sheets of one or two of the characters with the ones provided here, then repack them. Here’s a step-by-step process:

  1. Locate your Spelunky game files on the drive and go to the Data\Textures directory.
  2. Copy the files “alltex.wad” and “alltex.wad.wix” to another directory.
  3. Use SpelunkTool to unpack the files.
  4. Open the alltex\PLAYERS directory which is created and find which character sprites you wish to replace.
  5. Rename the new sprite sheets with the filenames you have chosen and copy them into the alltex\PLAYERS directory, overwriting the files there.
  6. Repack the alltex directory with SpelunkTool
  7. Copy the alltex.wad and alltex.wad.wix” back into the Data\Textures folder. The characters should now appear in your selection (provided you have unlocked the character for which you replaced the sprites)

You can grab a zip file containing the custom sprites and SpelunkTool here. Mad thanks to Simon Beaudoin for drawing the sprites!