Saints Row IV opens the floodgates for mods


Steam Workshop is in effect

Saints Row IV is a wacky game as is. Each entry in the series pushed the absurdity further, and in this one, you are a gang boss turned democratically-elected President of the United States that fends off aliens using superpowers because why the hell not? Now imagine that baseline, but with mods.

Deep Silver Volition has added Steam Workshop support to the Windows version of Saints Row IV, and also pushed the price down to a mere $3.74 in a sale that lasts until November 29, 2016.

“A handful of dedicated Volition devs worked on this in their free time to update the engine and remove memory restrictions, as well as finding a way for individual mods to interact and work correctly with each other without the need for running special tools,” reads the announcement. “It was all a labor of love for our fans, and we’re incredibly excited to see the crazy content you come up with!”

The Workshop page is fairly barren at the moment, but it’ll come along.

Saints Row IV [Steam Workshop]