Get it ya dingus
The Kickstarter for the Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, the HD re-imagining of the classic character for PC and consoles, is almost fully funded, though we’re still pretty far away from snagging all the stretch goals. The most recently announced goal, featuring a new Guardian Genie, is particularly exciting to an old fan like myself. It’s been great to that Shantae excitement catch on with so many, including other developers. That Shantae and Shovel Knight animated gif is so heartwarming!
WayForward knows that it will take more than adorable dancing and the promise of extra content to meet their Kickstarter’s potential, which is part of why they’ve put the Shantae:Risky’s Revenge out on iOS free of charge (for a limited time). They also included a new outfit for Shantae in the port, which doubles her magic power but half the defense. It’s unlikely we’ll see this new content in the DSiWare version of the game, but there’s a good chance that it will make it into the upcoming 3DS eShop release Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse.
As a huge fan of the Shantae series, and of WayForward’s original games in general, I’m selfishly hoping that this promotion will help raise awareness of the character, bringing more backers and consumers to the brand. It will be interesting to see if the Kickstarter gets a bump over the course of this promotion.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Kickstarter]