Shovel Knight update reveals female Shield Knight


Also, teaser screens of Mole Knight’s level

Through updates on Yacht Club Games’ Shovel Knight Kickstarter page, we’ve gotten familiar with the lineup of the very Mega Man-ish Order of No Quarter. That doesn’t mean there aren’t still surprises left in store!

Yesterday brought the unveiling of Shield Knight, a female warrior who wields two shields of comically different size and serves as Shovel Knight’s adventuring partner / love interest. At first I thought this was the heroine of the game’s “Gender Swap Mode,” but apparently she’s a different character altogether. Or is she? I don’t know!

Shield Knight has vanished prior to the start of the main story and Shovel Knight must track her down. However, if you zoom close to her face, you will notice a mole under her left eye. Main villainess The Enchantress also has a mole in the same spot. I think you can connect the dots.

Also part of this update are a pair of screens for Mole Knight’s stage. Check ’em out in the gallery.

Update #26: Shield Knight and More! [Kickstarter]