Someone made a watchface inspired by Resident Evil 7


For all your cosplay needs

I noticed that my copy of Resident Evil 7 was updating tonight, so I hopped online to find patch notes, like you do. (Banned Footage Vol. 2 is due out tomorrow on PlayStation 4 — I totally forgot! — and the update is presumably in preparation of the DLC.) But instead of specific notes, I found something cooler during my browsing: a fan-made watchface similar to what Ethan and others have in the game.

The watchface is called Codex, and you can download it for Pebble Classic, Pebble Time, or Pebble 2.

For reference, this is the in-game watch (when it’s not wrapped around Ethan’s nasty wrist):

According to creator Elijah Kang, “The line graph generates your weekly steps, hourly steps or randomized values. On colored displays, the colors change based on your battery life (0-20% red, 30-50% yellow, 60-100% green). You can set the speed of the graph and the frequency it animates within the settings page. The bar graph on the bottom are purely eye candy and don’t do anything.”

Resident Evil fans are always making cool stuff. Good on ya!

I made a functional watchface inspired by RE7 [reddit]