Songs of Glimmerwick is an upcoming school-life RPG where music is magical


A spellbound RPG where your songs can shape the world

Eastshade Studios have announced their next project, this time headed into the world of both magic and music. Songs of Glimmerwick is a witchcraft academy RPG aiming for a PC and console launch in 2023.

As you might guess, Eastshade Studios is the team behind the well-liked painting adventure Eastshade. Rather than the canvas, though, Songs of Glimmerwick looks to notes, scales, and chords. Using the power of song, magic users in the world of Glimmerwick can commune with trees, turn tools into their animated helpers, and shift the earth.

Here’s the trailer, showing off some of the magic that’s in store:

While the music-to-magic feel is definitely reminiscent of games like Wandersong, it’s intriguing to see the same nature-bound focus in Songs of Glimmerwick as there was in Eastshade. The beauty of the natural world, and its inherently magical properties, is fun fodder for a magical school setting.

In terms of the RPG side of things, there is gardening and crop-tending; narrative quests and a story to unfold; character progression that will let you specialize into different skills; and an island to wander around between classes, complete with NPCs, rumors, and happenings around town.

With other games like Witchbrook on the horizon, it sure seems like magical academy RPGs are set for their time in the sun. And Songs of Glimmerwick certainly seems like more than just a virtual Hogwarts. Its world of magic and music seems like it will be intriguing to explore when it arrives sometime in 2023 for both console and PC.