Stardew Valley publisher Chucklefish's next venture is Spellbound, a wizard school simulator


You’re a farmer, Harry

While ConcernedApe did all of the heavy-lifting and created Stardew Valley, publisherChucklefish took a chance on it and helped bring it to market. They’re using that success to capitalize on another cute looking simulator in Spellbound.

Just like Stardewit’ll be heavy on the sim-aspect, incorporating relationship building, classes, crafting, and farming. It’ll also have elements of combat in the “forest of elemental magic,” bringing in even more parallels.

In an interview with Red Bull, Chucklefish takes the opportunity to declare that Spellbound is going to be less like Harry Potter in the sense that it’s less over-the-top with more of a low key approach. They also explain that“Spellbound is an idea several people at Chucklefish had been kicking around for a long time,” making it a bit of a passion project for them.

It might be marinating in development for a long time too, as it doesn’t have a release date, and is set for PC (though they are open to porting it to Switch) whenever it arrives. Until then Wargroovewill drop on Switch in 2018.

How Chucklefish aims to top Stardew Valley with new title Spellbound [Red Bull]