Suck on this: Kirby sells huge in 3DS debut


I guess the Japanese haven’t Kirby’d their enthusiasm

Kirby: Triple Deluxe is looking great. There is still no word on a release date outside of Japan, but in its first week of Japanese availability it has already sold 214,208 copies.

That’s more four times as much as the number two selling game (Puzzle & Dragons Z) and about the opening week sales of the last two Kirby games (Kirby: Mass Attack & Kirby’s Return to Dreamland) combined. You go, Kirby.

Gematsu has a full breakdown of console and software sales. Monster Hunter 4 and Animal Crossing: New Leaf have both sold about one million more than the PlayStation Vita as a whole. Five 3DS games sit atop the week’s highest sellers, followed by Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD on PS3. Only 2 Vita games are in the top 24, including the Vita version of FFX/X-2.

A little shocked to see Gran Turismo 6 sitting at under 300,000 sales. The PS Vita TV, too, has only moved about 84,00 units, but maybe that’s not so bad as Vita alternate.

Media Create Sales: 1/6/14 – 1/12/14 [Gematsu]