Teenage Pokemon: Deoxys, Dating, Disaster, and Ditto


Jim Sterling returns as a sexy purple pal!

Though this season of Teenage Pokemon featured two separate Graybles per episode, they were all unified by an underlying theme. Ash Vs. E3 was about teenagers can’t rely on the parental figures in their life to understand them or care about them. Brock Vs. Lets Plays was about how for a teen (or anyone else), social interactions can work to make you feel more alone. Pikachu Vs. Bronies was about the good that comes from accepting aspects of yourself that your culture and peers may stigmatize you for.

This episode is about using that acceptance of repressed emotions and natural inclinations to achieve your goals, or at the very least, to feel a little less powerless. It comes easier for Pikachu than it does for Wartortle, but they both get there in their own ways. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to Jim Sterling (Ditto), Max Scoville (Pikachu), Anthony Carboni (Ash), Eric Stuart (Brock) and everyone else that helped make this season possible. I think we’ve come a long way since the pilot episode, and that’s all due to the talent and hard work of the people who put it together. That said, none of it would have been possible if people didn’t continue to award us with their time and attention. Regardless if you loved, liked, disliked, or loved to hate the show, I thank all of you for watching. We’re still undecided on if there will be a Season 3, but if there is, it will be because of you.

At the very least, I want Season 3 to happen just to show you how hard Ditto can twerk. It’s pretty amazing.