The Division might make its way to PC after all


An Internet petition worked, maybe!

One of the highlights of E3 this year was Ubisoft’s revealof Tom Clancy’s The Division, but it came with a glaring omission. Its release was announced for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but no mention of PC. That might change very soon.

When talking with IGN, a Ubisoft representative commented that “we’re not ruling out other platforms because we do also read the Internet.” This was in reference to an online petitionin favor of a PC release — a cause that’s more than 111,000 supporters strong at the time of writing.

The spokesperson went on to state that “Ubisoft, as a company, considers maximizing the potential of a game, so if the audience is there and the desire is there…” Hopefully The Divisiondoes eventually end up on PC; the game looks good enough that it should be in as many peoples’ hands as possible.

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Motivation / Platform Interview – E3 2013 [IGN]