The first ever manga is now a video game


Less upskirts, more frogs

The Choju-jinbutsu-giga is an ancient set of picture scrolls drawn around the 12th or 13th century Japan, also known as the Kamakura period (when first Shogun took over the country). The images of frolicking animals are considered by scholars to be the first traces of what evolved to become modern manga.

So why not take that and make it into a video game right? That’s what Silver Star thought, and they will release it as a 700 yen ($6) tower defense game via the Nintendo 3DS eShop in Japan next week on May 17, 2017.

I’m not a huge fan of tower defense games outside of Orcs Must Dieand Rock of Ages, but it’s a novel idea to bring historical art to modern forms. The art style is cute, but I do think it would be far more intriguing if it looked like the original scrolls, as you can see in the header.

Choju Giga Wars leads a packed 3DS line-up [Japanese Nintendo]