Bungie offers preview of Crucible modes and maps
Destiny players will be able to access a taste of the upcoming expansion, The Taken King, for free next week.
Bungie confirmedthat while you won’t be able to test out any new super abilities or increase the level 34 cap, you will be able to play new Crucible modes Rift and Mayhem across eight new PvP maps.
Hurry though: the preview — which starts on September 8 — will end on September 14, at which point the maps and modes will only be available to those who’ve splashed out for the new content.
September 8-14 is the last chance to play Destiny as a Year One experience, and will be your last opportunity to secure those last few lingering Year One Triumphs. After this point, light levels, weapons and armor will change with the arrival of The Taken King. It’ll also be your last chance to complete your outstanding bounties, along with any Wolf Hunt Patrols (and secure those shiny Prison of Elders treasure chest keys).
How are you feeling, Guardians? Excited for a new year of challenges, or sad to see your favourite missions and grinds disappear? I’m a little of both!