Tuesday Newsday: Star Wars, Nintendo at E3, Mad Max & Wolfenmelons


Don’t do coffee, kids.

Put on your current events helmets, everyone, because Tuesday Newsday is here.

Because it’d just be an Ephant Mon in the room if I didn’t address it, the Star Wars Episode VII cast has been revealed, following the bittersweet announcement that the entire Star Wars Expanded Universe has been gutted.

On a more gameful note, Nintendo is not doing a press conference at E3, but will instead be doing a livestream and a Smash Bros tournament. Next year it’ll probably be a slumber party. Square Enix has registered a Just Cause 3 domain name, and there’s a new trailer for Mad Max which I think looks like dusty, over-compensating ass. Microsoft decided to dig up some garbage in the desert, and after that, they’re making a bunch of Halo video movie shows. You can blow up watermelons in Wolfenstein: The New Order, so suddenly I’m interested, and Interceptor Entertainment is putting a bunch of weird old 3D Realms assets online for us to see. Neat!