(Update) Apparently you can play Fortnite together on PS4 and Xbox One


Sony be damned!

[Update: All good things must come to an end, sadly. As confirmed by Eurogamer, Epic Games has stated that the cross-network play in Fortnite was simply an error. “We had a configuration issue and it has now been corrected,” is what Epic stated, meaning this issue wasn’t an act of defiance or anything malicious.

Thing is, if its as simple as updating code, why wouldn’t Sony just allow the feature? This gating of features mostly makes Sony look like the bad guy and kind of rains on the parade of a lot of gamers. I’d be all in for system exclusive games if multi-platform titles had cross-network features. At least it would prevent old titles from becoming barren online a few months after launch.]

We’re all well aware of Sony’s isolationist stance on cross-network multiplayer, but to bring people up to speed, I’ll quickly reiterate it. Sony doesn’t want their consoles playing with other consoles due to a lack of control over the users. Stupid, but what are you gonna do? If you’re Epic Games, you’re just going to make it happen, is what.

As discovered by a bunch of users over on Reddit, apparently Fortnite has the ability to link PS4 and Xbox One users together online. The biggest piece of evidence came when a player on PS4 killed someone and noticed there were spaces in the player name. This is a feature not allowed by Sony for PSN gamertags, so how was it possible? While it could have been a PC user, a quick search for the gamertag brought up an Xbox Live account and even footage of the player enjoying themselves on Xbox One.

If you still don’t believe this and are thinking the other player is on PC, then know that Fortnite doesn’t utilize Xbox Live for PC multiplayer. Epic Games has their own game launcher (because who doesn’t now a days?), so for this user name to appear on Xbox Live and have footage of the game is a pretty definitive answer. Apparently you can have cross-network on PS4 and Xbox One if you just give Sony the finger.

Fortnite just made console history. PROOF of cross platform play between XB1 and PS4!!! [Reddit]