Videogame Clubhouse: We're giving away Octodad!



I’m not going to get fancy with this post: Octodad is better than pretty much every game launched in the past year. In the hour I spent with the game last night I had more fun than I had in recent memory. Naturally, we’re ending our indie month with a co-op session of Octodad: Dadliest Catchgiveaway of game.Want to get your hands on a copy of this beastie? You’ve got to watch Videogame Clubhouse today on at 2pm pst!

We’re going nuts with these codes! We’re just handin’ them out! Every 15 minutes we’ll be chucking games at your faces at random! Catch one in your mouth!

Is that not enough for you? Want to flex your creative muscle? We’ve got an art contest as well! Octodad is a secret octopus, but what are we? We want you to post fanart in our facebook group of what you think Phil and I would look like if we were secret animals! We’ll pick the best two at the end of the show!