Xbox One Madden 15 bundle throws in a copy of the game for free


Not a bad deal if you’re the football playin’ type

Madden 15is getting a special Xbox One bundle for its August 26 release. Like any offensive lineman worth his salt, it’s larger than average. However, unlike any all-star caliber player, it sort of comes at a discount.

For $399, prospective Maddenplayers can pick up the Madden 15Xbox One bundle, which contains a digital copy of the game along with the Kinectless Xbox One. As far as the console itself, there’s nothing unique about it like the white Sunset Overdriveedition— just your run-of-the-mill black box.

The keen consumers in the crowd have surely noticed that $399 is what the new Xbox One SKU retails for by itself. With this bundle, Madden 15is essentially free. Not a bad way to jump into the current console generation if you feel like huckin’ the ol’ pigskin around.