The Zone of the Enders 2 remaster is coming out on September 6


Still PSVR compatible

Konami has been toiling away at Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars, a remake of the second Zone of the Enders, for a good while. First, we eventually got some semblance of confirmation that the game was still alive. Then we got a release window. Now we have a date — September 4.

Mars is still slated for PC and PS4, with PSVR support for the latter. It’ll also sport new modes for both casual and pro fans alike, including a “pro” controller setup with faster outputs, and a “very easy” setting. VR will also allow extra modes like a 3D hangar simulation, a theater, and a 3D model viewer. If you don’t opt for VR you can go 4K.

Zone of the Enders 2is a fantastic action romp with some really cool mech designs, and I’m looking forward to playing it again on a current generation system — VR or not.