Check out over 10 minutes of Fighting EX Layer's classic characters right here


Skullomania is running wild

Developer Arika have released 12 minutes of footage taken from their upcoming fighter, once simply known as “The Mysterious Fighting Game” before eventually being given the not-as-cool title of Fighting EX Layer.

In the video, we get to see a bevy of characters from the one-on-one fighter engaging in wild, non-Queensbury rules action. Fans of the classic Street Fighter EX titles will recognise D. Dark, Hokuto and, of course, the unmistakable Skullomania, of whom fans have being clamouring to see return for years.

Fighting EX Layer will be released as a digital-only title for PS4. Arika have stated that a physical edition, a PC port and DLC content will only be considered if the game is a success. This is a gamble, considering the the title’s niche appeal, lack of features and two-price-point delivery system.

Regardless, the game does look like it could be a lot of fun, so here’s hoping a lot of fight fans take the plunge upon launch, tentatively scheduled for the end of June.