Sony reveals Guacamelee 2 at Paris Games Week


Looks rad

By way of Paris Games Week, Sony has just announcedGuacamelee 2. Once again it’ll be handled by DrinkBox Studios, and will be out “soonish” according to the stream, with four player co-op (which as it turns out is 2018).

Right now it’s only been confirmed for PS4, but if I know DrinkBox, they have no interest in relegating themselves to just one platform forever (they’ve even branched off into the mobile realm), so my guess is that Sony has some sort of timed exclusivity on this one.

In addition to the some of the same mechanics as the original, there’s now a Chicken Pope, and expanded chicken gameplay (yes!). The stream showed off an ability called the “Chicken Shot,” which allows him to be effective in combat — I’m getting some real Shantaevibes there.