Season Pass, PlayStation exclusive content confirmed for LEGO Force Awakens



Just in case you were worried that LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakenswouldn’t have a Season Pass, WB confirmed it this morning. If you spring for the deluxe edition of the game though, coming this June, you’ll gain access to the pass as well as a physical Finn figure.

If you’re wondering how this game will work since there’s such little content to draw upon, you severely doubt the ability of TT Games. In addition to Awakensstorylines it’ll also link Return of the Jedi and Force Awakensprior to the Rogue Onefilm.

The game is set to debut on 3DS, PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Sony platforms will have exclusive content — it wasn’t disclosed what that content may entail, but it will probably be something menial like the stuff that was included in LEGO Marvel’s Avengers.